Teeth Whitening
Teeth Whitening in Karachi is a very popular and common amongst cosmetic dental procedures. It is provided by dentists worldwide. Whitening is the procedure by which dentist clean stains and discoloration from teeth to bring back its original color or to whiten it beyond its natural color. Bringing back the natural color of teeth can be done by removing extrinsic factors (stains). Calculus and tartar may cause further build up of these extrinsic factors which are hard to remove without professional help. There are many procedures followed by dentists to whiten teeth.

Teeth Whitening Rehan Dental Surgery Karachi
Teeth Whitening in Karachi is a very popular and common amongst Aesthetic dentistry and cosmetic dental procedures. It is provided by dentists worldwide. Whitening is the procedure by which dentist clean stains and discoloration from teeth to bring back its original color or to whiten it beyond its natural color. Bringing back the natural color of teeth can be done by removing extrinsic factors (stains). Calculus and tartar may cause further build up of these extrinsic factors which are hard to remove without professional help. There are many procedures followed by dentists to whiten teeth.
Reasons why teeth become yellow?
Our teeth color is portrayed by the combined reflection of light of the enamel (outer layer of teeth) and the dentin covering it. Our genes control how rough or thick our dentin is and hence the coloration of our teeth. The problem is that everyday a thin covering (pellicle) forms on the teeth and a catches stains. The enamel possesses tiny holes in it which also catch stains. Extrinsic Factors of discoloration of teeth include use of tobacco, betel, some medicines such as chlorhexidine, also due to dental plaque, Dark colored cold drinks etc.
Stains can even form on the insides of teeth. These are described as intrinsic teeth. Causes include contact with fluoride as a young child or tetracycline antibiotics.
Prior to proceeding to tooth whitening alternatives, it is advised that the patient comes into the Rehan Dental Surgery office to have a comprehensive oral examination that consists of a full medical, dental, and social history. This will allow the our dental specialist to see if there is any treatment that needs to be done such as restorations to remove cavities, and to assess whether or not the patient will be a good candidate to have the whitening done. The dental specialist would then debride (clean) the tooth surface with an ultrasonic scaler, hand instruments, and potentially a prophy paste to remove extrinsic stains as mentioned above. This will allow a clean surface for maximum benefits of whichever tooth whitening method the patient chooses. Below will discuss the various types of tooth whitening methods including both internal application of bleaching and external application through the use of bleaching agents.
What is the procedure of Teeth Whitening.
Teeth whitening have varied success across individuals due to other dental issues. If cavities are not properly treated in your teeth then the whitening solution may enter through the cavities towards your roots and may increase your sensitivity. Whitening also does not affect ceramics, crowns or veneers. During whitening your we will take your history and examine the cause of your stains. Now before the whitening procedure can begin the extrinsic discolorations are to be cleaned thoroughly. Most often used whitening technique uses a gel that is applied to teeth directly. This gel comprises of some type of hydrogen peroxide. In clinic strong forms of this gel is used which is further activated by a special light or laser which promotes the bleaching process. This process requires 35-95 minutes. 1-3 appointments are needs depending on the severity of staining. First a material is applied to your mouth to protect it from the gel, and then the whitening gel is applied. A light will be shined on your teeth next. The dentist may refer you to continue the bleaching treatment at home. Whitening products are also available in the market. They are however weaker in strength so take longer for results to appear.
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