Root Canal Treatment is commonly used to alleviate pain in the teeth while also saving them. Common reasons for needing s root canal are because of an infection or inflammation in the roots of the teeth. At Rehan dental surgery in Karachi root canal treatment is one of our specialties furthermore we try our level best to cause minimum discomfort and maximum results in our patients.In this treatment the pulp is removed from inside the tooth then it is cleaned, disinfected, shaped for the root canal and finally sealed using a filling.

Root Canal Treatment and Procedure at Rehan Dental Surgery
Root Canal Treatment and procedure is mostly complex, depending on the situation and may require a number of visits over a span of weeks. Therefore, root canals are suggested or even needed by patients who have a infection deep in the roots of the teeth. This infection can be as a result of an injury or because of a chronic and untreated cavity. Treatment at this point becomes a must otherwise the tooth has to be removed. In the event of the infection becoming so severe that it might spread throughout the pulp a pulpectomy is recommended. In a pulpectomy the pulp tissue is removed. However some infection is present under the tooth. Our dentist try to save the tooth by drilling into the pulp and extracting the infected pulp after which the nerve is removed by needle shaped hand instruments.
There are two ways to go about anti curvature techniques. According to the balanced forces method the dentist enters the file into the canal first rotating clockwise to engage the dentin then anticlockwise, applying pressure at the apical direction to shear off tissue which was before in a meshed form. Two other methods come from these techniques are namely the feed and pull and reverse balanced forces methods which differ in the distance and direction of rotation.
To prevent fracture of the tooth the root can be eased from the occlusion by making a proper foundation for the crown or by some restoration work. Some dentists do some treatment of the tooth before the root canal by removing the infected pulp followed by a filling or dressing of the tooth.
The alternatives to root canals require no treatment or extraction. If doing tooth extraction is done then a prosthetic such as a dental implant, a partial denture. You may choose not to do treatment but some complications such as pain, infection, and a worsening dental infection causing the tooth to be unable to be restored even through further root canals. If excessive loss of structure occurs, extraction may become the only course of action.
Root Canal Special Case Study
At Rehan Dental Surgery we do root canal treatments in the best possible manner and with proper protocols. We strive to attain reliable results by doing root canals in the same manner as done across the world. We educate our patients that your tooth is more worthy than most expensive diamond in the world and by root canal treatment majority of your teeth can be saved. Root canal is one of the most complicated treatments and needs rigorous training as every tooth has a hidden surprise inside it and only a specialist is able to manage such complexities as he is trained for it. Below is a case of root canal treatment of maxillary 2 premolar done by our specialist. This type of case was reported only 1-6% times in the whole world. Our specialist managed this case with perfection.
Cracked Tooth Treatment
A dental abscess is a localized collection of pus associated with a tooth. The most common type of dental abscess is a periapical abscess, and the second most common is a periodontal abscess. In a periapical abscess, usually the origin is a bacterial infection that has accumulated in the soft, often dead, pulp of the tooth. This can be caused by tooth decay, broken teeth or extensive periodontal disease (or combinations of these factors). A failed root canal treatment may also create a similar abscess.
Dental Abscess Treatment
A dental abscess is a type of odontogenic infection, although commonly the latter term is applied to an infection which has spread outside the local region around the causative tooth.
The pain is continuous and may be described as extreme, growing, sharp, shooting, or throbbing. Putting pressure or warmth on the tooth may induce extreme pain. The area may be sensitive to touch and possibly swollen as well. This swelling may be present at either the base of the tooth, the gum, and/or the cheek, and sometimes can be reduced by applying ice packs.
An acute abscess may be painless but still have a swelling present on the gum. It is important to get anything that presents like this checked by a dental professional expert at Rehan Dental Surgery as it may become chronic later.
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