Dental Fillings or Tooth Fillings are used by dentists at Rehan Dental Surgery to restore teeth which are damaged by decay or trauma. Fillings restore tooth structure and block the entry of pathogens such as bacteria into your vital areas of teeth causing further decay and pain.

Dental Fillings or Tooth Fillings
Definition and why it is needed
Dental Fillings are used by Rehan Dental Surgery to restore teeth that are damaged by decay or trauma. Fillings restore tooth structure and block the entry of pathogens such as bacteria into your vital areas of teeth causing further decay and pain. Fillings used at Rehan Dental Surgery include; Composite fillings, Glass- ionomer, and Ceramic.
Types of Dental Fillings
Composite fillings are made of plastic and fine glass particles. These fillings are tooth colored and available in different shades to match the color of the individual teeth. They look very similar to real teeth and hence are used for parts of teeth that are visible.
These fillings are very versatile in that they can be used to repair decayed parts of the teeth and parts of the teeth which are chipped, worn or broken. Composite fillings have a special characteristic of adhering to the tooth structure through bonding and micro-mechanical tags.
Composite fillings last five years and may wear out sooner if used for larger cavities. Depending on the location of the filling it may get chipped off. Composite fillings have to be applied in layers, which is why it takes longer to apply such fillings.
Glass-ionomer fillings are made up of acrylic and a type of glass called fluoro aluminosilicate.
These fillings are mostly used for fillings that are below the gum line, around the neck, in the roots, and in baby teeth. This is because these fillings release fluorides and stick to teeth which help to prevent leakage around the filling and further decay.
Glass ionomer fillings are however weaker than composite fillings becoming more liable to wear and fracture. Hence these fillings last five years or less.
Ceramics are made mostly of porcelain. They possess greater resistance to staining but are more abrasive. Fillings can last more than 7 years but due to being brittle can break.
To prevent breakage Large fillings have to be applied which means that the tooth has to be made smaller
Dental Filling Procedure
During your checkup, the dentist will use a small mirror to examine your teeth. If in case something looks out of the ordinary then the dentist will use special instruments to closely examine the tooth and he may also require an x-ray.
The dentist will then clean the decayed part of the teeth and replace the decayed area with the appropriate filling material.
How to take care of Dental Fillings
To extend the life span of fillings one should follow good oral hygiene. Visit for dentist regularly to clean your teeth and to examine the fillings so that if the filling has cracked or leaks (due to not binding with the teeth properly) he can take appropriate steps to prevent decay.
If in case you feel extreme sensitivity or see a crack or a piece missing from the filling fix an appointment with your dentist. Using fluoride toothpaste, flossing and antibacterial mouthwash daily help to reduce any problems that may arise after the filling.
Problems with Dental Fillings
After filling you may experience tooth sensitivity, and pain around the filling, deep in the tooth, or in the nearby teeth. Sensitivity is common after a filling and should subside in a few weeks. This may be caused by pressure and foods which are hot, cold, or sweet.
During this period avoid things that cause sensitivity. However, if the sensitivity does not alleviate within 2 to 4 weeks then you could be prescribed desensitizing toothpaste or may apply a desensitizing agent to temporarily reduce the pain.
The Pain experienced around the filling may be because the filling causes problems when biting in which case you should return to the dentist to reshape your filling. If the pain is deep in the tooth it may be because your tooth is no longer healthy in which case root canal Treatment may be required.
Some people may experience pain in the teeth besides the one with the filling. These teeth have nothing wrong in them but are simply passing pain signals from the filled tooth. The pain should subside on its own in 1 or 2 weeks.
Deterioration of Dental Fillings
Constant pressure from daily activities such as chewing and grinding can cause fillings to chip or even crack. You might not be able to tell if your filling is worn out or not but your dentist will detect faults in the filling during regular checkups.
Tooth wear
Tooth wear refers to loss of tooth substance by means other than dental caries Tooth wear is a very common condition that occurs in approximately 97% of the population. This is a normal physiological process occurring throughout life; but with an increased lifespan of individuals and increasing retention of teeth for life, the incidence of non-carious tooth surface loss has also shown a rise. Tooth wear varies substantially between people and groups, with extreme attrition and enamel fracture common in archaeological samples, and erosion more common today.
Tooth wear is predominantly the result of a combination of three processes; attrition, abrasion, and erosion. These forms of tooth wear can further lead to a condition known as abfraction, whereby tooth tissue is ‘fractured’ due to stress lesions caused by extrinsic forces on the enamel. Tooth wear is a complex, multi-factorial problem and there is often difficulty identifying a single causative factor.
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