
Service Type
Bionator Appliance is an Orthodontic functional appliance that was used to correct different malocclusions in orthodontics.
Provider Name
Rehan Dental Clinic Sharfabad,,
Shop No.4, 327/3, Alpine Center,Jamal-ud-Din Afghani Road Sharfabad,Karachi-75400 ,
Telephone No. (021)34924052
Telephone No. (021)34924052
Rehan Dental Clinic DHA and Sharfabad, 51C, 24th Street, Tauheed Commercial,,DHA Phase V Extension,Karachi-75500,, Telephone No.(021) 35877144
DescriptionBionator Appliance with loose fitting which allowed children to speak normally immediately compared to activator appliance which took a long time for patients to get adjusted with their pronunciation.